Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury usually begins with a sudden, traumatic blow to the spine that fractures or dislocates vertebrae. The damage begins at the moment of injury when displaced bone fragments, disc material, or ligaments bruise or tear into spinal cord tissue. Most injuries to the spinal cord don't completely sever it. Instead, an injury is more likely to cause fractures and compression of the vertebrae, which then crush and destroy the axons, extensions of nerve cells that carry signals up and down the spinal cord between the brain and the rest of the body. An injury to the spinal cord can damage a few, many, or almost all of these axons. Some injuries will allow almost complete recovery. Others will result in complete paralysis.


  • We have treated more than 1176 patients with Spinal Cord Injuries with 50-70% improvement.  
  • Stem cells are the only treatment for Spinal Cord Injuries.
  • There are NO rejections.


Country Canada / Age 26

History Car accident. Could move right leg, no movement in left leg.

UCSC Treatment (Jan 2007)
Right leg strength increased bladder control increased left leg movement for first time, increased trunk strength

Progress (Feb 2007)
More mobility in right leg

Email: [email protected] | Phone: 941-235-0088 | Fax: 941-624-6133